
As Alara Health Group, we aim to increase women’s sexual health and satisfaction levels with the O-Shot (Orgasm Shot) procedure. With our expert team and the latest technologies, we offer solutions tailored to the needs of each patient.

What is the O-Shot (Orgasm Shot)?

O-Shot is a treatment method using Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) derived from a woman’s own blood. As PRP is rich in growth factors, it promotes skin regeneration and tissue repair in the vaginal and clitoral area. This treatment increases sexual sensitivity, improves orgasmic capacity, increases sexual satisfaction and overall sexual health.

Process Stages

  1. Consultation and Planning: In the first stage, your expectations and needs are evaluated in a detailed discussion with your doctor. The most appropriate treatment plan is created in line with your personal health history and goals.
  2. PRP Preparation: A small amount of blood taken from the patient is processed in a special centrifuge to obtain PRP. PRP is a plasma that is rich in growth factors and accelerates healing processes.
  3. PRP Injection: PRP is injected into the vaginal and clitoral area under local anesthesia. This procedure is usually performed with minimal discomfort and takes a short time.
  4. Recovery Process: You can return to your daily activities immediately after the procedure. There may be a slight feeling of discomfort for the first few days, but this usually passes quickly.


  1. Increased Sexual Satisfaction: O-Shot increases sexual satisfaction by enhancing sexual sensitivity and the capacity to orgasm.

  2. Enhanced Sexual Health: PRP promotes healing and regeneration of tissues, enhancing sexual health and functionality.

  3. Natural and Safe: Since PRP is derived from your own blood, there is no risk of allergic reactions and the treatment is considered natural.

Who is it suitable for?

  • Those with Sexual Sensitivity Problems: Suitable for women with a lack of sexual sensitivity or difficulty having orgasms.

  • Those with Good General Health Status: General health status must be good before the procedure.

  • Those who want to improve their sexual health: Ideal for women who want to increase their sexual health and satisfaction levels.