+90 (536) 675 32 60

Liposuction – Lipofilling

As Alara Health Group, we offer the highest quality service in body contouring with liposuction and lipofilling procedures. Our aim is to provide you with a more aesthetic and balanced appearance by clarifying your body contours.

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat tissue from certain areas of the body, giving it a slimmer and more shaped appearance. This procedure can be applied to areas such as the abdomen, waist, thighs, hips, buttocks, arms and under the chin.

What is Lipofilling?

Lipofilling is the process of injecting fat tissue removed by liposuction into other parts of the body to add volume and fullness. This method is ideal for procedures such as facial filling, cheekbone enhancement, buttock augmentation and breast augmentation.

Process Stages

  1. Consultation and Planning: In the first stage, your aesthetic goals and expectations are evaluated in a detailed interview with your surgeon. The most suitable treatment plan is created for your body structure.
  2. Liposuction Procedure: Excess fat tissue is removed from the determined areas by liposuction method. This procedure is also useful for improving body contour.
  3. Lipofilling Procedure: The removed fat tissue is purified through a special process and injected into the needed areas. This step is done to achieve natural and aesthetic results.


  1. Double Effect: Both slimming is achieved by removing excess fat tissue and volume is added to the needed areas.

  2. Natural Appearance: The procedure using your own fat tissue provides natural and aesthetic results.

  3. Long Lasting Effects: The procedures provide long-lasting and permanent aesthetic results.

Who is it suitable for?

  • Those who want body contouring: It is suitable for people who want to get rid of excess fat in certain areas and clarify body contours.

  • Those Who Want to Gain Volume: Ideal for people who want volume and fullness in areas such as the face, buttocks or chest.

  • Those with Good General Health Status: General health status must be good before the surgery.

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+90 (536) 675 32 60