
As Alara Health Group, we provide you with a younger, vigorous and aesthetic appearance by removing sagging and bags around the eyes with eyelid aesthetics (blepharoplasty). With our expert team and the latest technologies, we offer solutions suitable for the needs of each patient.

What is Blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is the surgical removal of excess skin and fatty tissue from the upper and lower eyelids. This method removes sagging eyelids, bags and wrinkles caused by aging or genetic factors. Blepharoplasty is ideal for achieving a fresher and more vigorous appearance.

Process Stages

  1. Consultation and Planning: In the first stage, your aesthetic goals and expectations are evaluated in a detailed interview with your surgeon. The most appropriate treatment plan is created for the structure of your eyelids.
  2. Surgical Procedure: The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia or sedation. The surgeon makes appropriate incisions in the upper or lower eyelid and removes excess skin, muscle and fat tissue. The incisions are usually hidden in natural folds so that scars are minimal.
  3. Recovery Process: After the surgical procedure, the healing process begins. There may be swelling and bruising for the first few weeks, during which time it is important to follow the rest and care instructions recommended by your doctor.


  1. A Young and Vigorous Look: A younger and more vigorous eye contour is achieved by removing excess skin and fat tissue.

  2. Natural Appearance: Provides an aesthetic appearance by preserving the natural structure of the eyelids.

  3. Long Lasting Effects: The procedures offer long-lasting and permanent aesthetic results.

Who is it suitable for?

  • People with Sagging and Bagging Eyelids: Suitable for people with sagging, bagging and wrinkles on the eyelids.

  • Those with Good General Health Status: General health status must be good before surgery.

  • Those with Realistic Expectations: It is suitable for people who have realistic expectations about the results of the operation.