Transgender Operations
What Do We Offer?

FFS (Facial Feminization Surgery)
It is a set of surgical procedures performed to make facial contours more feminine. It includes procedures such as forehead contouring, chin reduction and rhinoplasty. It provides a softer and more feminine appearance.

Hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus. This procedure can be performed as a treatment for various health problems or as part of the gender transition process. After the operation, the person will not menstruate and cannot get pregnant.

Bilateral Orchiectomy
Bilateral orchiectomy is the surgical removal of both testicles. This procedure can be performed to lower hormone levels or as part of the gender transition process. After surgery, testosterone production stops.

IVF Treatment
In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a reproductive method in which egg and sperm cells are fertilized in a laboratory environment and the embryo is transferred to the uterus. It offers solutions to infertility problems and increases the chances of couples having a child.

Speech And Voice Therapy
Speech and voice therapy is a treatment to improve voice tone, timbre and speech quality. For gender transitioning individuals, this therapy helps to harmonize their voice and improves their overall communication skills.

Mastectomy is the surgical removal of one or both breasts. This procedure is usually performed for the treatment or prevention of breast cancer, but may also be preferred for gender transition.

Female To Male(Sex Reassignment Surgeries)
These surgeries conform a person's physical features to the male gender. Procedures include removal of the breasts (mastectomy), penis creation (metaiodioplasty or phalloplasty) and removal of the uterus (hysterectomy). It provides a body that is compatible with gender identity.

Male To Female (Sex Reassignment Surgeries)
These surgeries conform a person's physical features to the female gender. Procedures include breast augmentation, facial feminization surgery (FFS) and vaginoplasty. It provides a body that is compatible with gender identity.

Beard Transplantation
Beard transplantation is a hair transplantation procedure performed to give a fuller and more shaped beard appearance on the face. Natural and permanent results are obtained by using the person's own hair follicles.