Beard Transplantation

With the FUE method, hair taken from the neck area is planted individually to the beard and mustache area. After the transplantation of hair follicles, the hair keeps the same hair characteristics in the area. Many patients often require intensive cultivation because they want beards and mustaches. However, intensive transplantation will significantly reduce the possibility of positive treatment outcomes.

After beard transplantation, operation-related redness appears on the skin for a few weeks, but it is not permanent. In 2-3 weeks, this change of color will completely disappear. After each transplant session, there is a shock spill. The shock spill seen in 2 weeks is not a symptom to be afraid of. After the spill, all hair that is lost will be recovered in a period of 4 to 6 months. The area where beard cultivation is made will ultimately reach the desired appearance within 2 years.